Does Blogging Bring in More B2B Leads?

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Blogging can be a powerful marketing tool. It’s great for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), keeping Google happy and your page ranking high with regularly updated content. This can help to drive more traffic to your site, which is great news for B2B lead generation.

Blogs get traffic

B2B lead generation is all about whipping up interest in your company, whether it’s driving visitors to your website or having lots of people talking about you at an industry event.

When it comes to your website, blogging is one of the best ways of increasing traffic. Research has found that companies with blogs receive around 55% more visitors, while a separate study found that 67% of B2B marketers who use blogs generate more leads than those who don’t.

The more traffic visiting your site, the more enquiries you should receive from prospective customers. You can also use your blog to encourage mailing list signups and call-back requests, or even use reverse IP lookup tools to check out which companies are visiting your site.

Use your blog to position yourself as an expert

Your company blog is the ideal platform to show off your skills and expertise. You can use it to demonstrate your expert knowledge and to position yourself as an authority in your particular field. After all, your prospective customers only want to work with the best.

If you can impress visitors with insight, practical advice and thought the leadership on your blog, you have a much higher chance of converting those visitors into potentially lucrative leads.

Blogging tips to maximise B2B lead generation

Ready to start driving potential leads to your site? Here are 5 essential tips to help you get your blog up and running:

  1. Post content your target audience is looking for. Do some research and plan your blog content to answer questions your ideal customer is searching for, as well as providing content you think they’d be interested in.
  2. Share your blog on social platforms. Want more people to read your blog? Get the word out with social media, including B2B platforms such as LinkedIn. It’s all about reaching your target audience wherever they are online.
  3. Use keywords. B2B lead generation and SEO go hand-in-hand when it comes to your company blog. If you can target particular keywords that your target customers are searching for, you have a better chance of increasing traffic to your website.
  4. CTAs are very important. Without being too sales-focused, your blog content should be actively trying to capture lead details. You can do this by including a persuasive Call to Action (CTA) which encourages the reader to join the mailing list, get in touch, leave a comment or interact in another way. Any engagement is a good sign and a great starting point.
  5. Offer value. Your blog needs to offer something useful and valuable to your target customer. Use it to solve their problems, answer their questions or offer free advice and help, to keep them coming back for more.

For more help with B2B lead generation, contact our expert team here at IT Focus by calling 0330 058 0100 or head over to our contact page and fill in the online enquiry form – we’re happy to answer any and all of your burning questions!

Get In Touch

Call us on 0330 058 0100 to find out how we can help you.

Our goal is to develop a thorough understanding of the technology that underpins the message you want us to deliver. By doing this, we can communicate your value proposition in a clear and concise manner to the people that are important to you: your future customers.

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