Every small business will have to make the call on whether or not to outsource processes at some point, whether it’s accounting or IT support.
Lead generation is commonly outsourced, especially by B2B companies. But is it the right choice for you? It’s completely your decision, but to help you make the right one – here are some crucial considerations to bear in mind:
Value for money
It’s time to crunch the numbers. How much do you actually spend on IT lead generation right now? You’ll need to take everything into account, from the staff hours spent finding and following up leads, through to the costs of lead gen tools and software. Just how much does it cost to turn a lead into a purchasing customer?
And don’t forget about all the time and effort you spend on prospects who don’t end up making a purchase. It’s important to think about the efficiency of your current processes, and take a close look at your conversion stats.
By spending a little more outsourcing to an IT lead generation specialist, could you end up bringing in far more in terms of revenue from new customers? A lead gen company can provide more qualified leads to your sales team, and do it faster. This more than pays for the cost of their service in the long run.
If the initial investment seems like it will pay off for your company, outsourcing could be the way forward.
Resources and capacity – do you have time for lead gen?
Money isn’t the only concern when choosing the best path forward with IT lead generation. There’s also the crucial matter of time. Lead generation is notoriously time-consuming, not to mention the time and patience involved in successfully nurturing prospects until they’re ready to bite. Do your sales and marketing teams have the capacity and time to do the job properly, or would they be best focusing on other mission-critical tasks?
The right sets of skills
Lead generation also requires skill, expertise and as we’ve mentioned, a great deal of patience. This is where many new firms trip up when they decide to handle lead gen in-house. Without the right knowledge and skills, your lead-gen team are likely to be highly ineffective. This wastes your time and money, and training them up to the required level only takes longer and costs more.
If you’re going to take lead generation seriously – and you should, as when done properly it can really take your business to the next level – you’ll need to invest. Recruit and/or train so that you have a specialist team. If this won’t work for you, outsourcing gives you immediate access to the skills you need.
Can you have the best of both worlds?
Of course, you don’t always have to make an outright choice between outsourcing and in-house. You can integrate the two. Using your own processes and strategy, you can also make use of outsourced services such as data procurement, telemarketing, appointment setting and lead nurturing. It can save you time and be a cost-effective way to expand capacity and access the skills you need.
IT Focus offers all of these IT lead generation and telemarketing services and much more – and our solutions can be tailored to suit your needs. Give us a call on 0330 058 0100 or email info@itfocus-tm.com to find out more.